Dr. Ireri Asteinza
Hi, I'm Ireri and I'll be your family doctor!
"The doctor is a super prepared person with extensive experience in her field, with great human quality, super professional and an excellent person."
Lucia G.
Our specializations
Everything You Could Need
Gynecology & Obsetrics
For a Full and Healthy Life
Aesthetic Medicine
Be Eternal
Anti-Aging Medicine
Live 100 Years
Prioritize Your Health, Listen To Your Body & Empower Yourself
Oncologic Gynecology
Everything Has a Cure
Welcome To The World
Why ?
Hospital Angeles del Pedregal
Satisfied patients
"I loved that the doctor does everything to avoid surgical interventions. She made me wait about half an hour but it was totally worth the wait, she dedicated more than 3 hours to the consultation and it is because she dedicates a lot of time to you and because she explains everything perfectly that makes you wait a little, she took the trouble to explain everything to my mother, my father, my brother and my husband."
Kristin Watson
Jun 27, 2023